By Elisa Morgan
Life has a way of exploding unpredictably before us.
You find twenty bucks in a parking lot. KABOOM!
You're promoted. KABOOM!
You're recruited for a leadership position in your church. KABOOM!
Such great "KABOOMS!" come when we're scooting through our days, each pretty much boringly the same as the one before and suddenly - KABOOM! - the sky breaks out in celebration above us. Me? Surely this is a mistake! Thrills, shock and joy bubble up inside us. Then, on the heels of these good feelings come opposite emotions: trepidation, paralysis, fear, inadequacy.
But not every KABOOM! moment is good. Some "KABOOMS!" explode our lives into pieces, scattering our hopes and dreams and best intentions across the planet, leaving us staring at the disarray in bewilderment.
You discover twenty bucks in parking lot - and ten seconds later, you're accosted by the scammer who planted it to trap you into an uncomfortable conversation. KABOOM!
You're promoted - but the position involves a transfer to another state and your parents just moved across several states to be closer to you. KABOOM!
You're recruited to a leadership position at church - but the next week your pastor resigns. KABOOM!
In such moments, the sky seemingly falls on our heads. Me? Surely this is a mistake! Shock, paralysis, trepidation, and fear are the first emotions we experience. They rally around us like a posse and tie us down with their knots. We're stuck. We can't see. Or sleep. Or move. Or pray. Or believe. Or get out of bed.
"KABOOMS!" stun us, surprise us, stretch us, elevate us and challenge us to be all we can be. And whether they come as great or not-so-great moments it's understandable that when we're KABOOMED, we might miss the One waiting to equip us to move in and through a "KABOOM!"
God comes into KABOOM! moments, ready to provide.
He's not surprised: "I know the plans I have for you ..." (Jeremiah 29:11)
He's not thrown off balance: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)
He's not afraid: "I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)
God comes to walk with us in and through every explosion that falls from the sky into the daily of our lives. He lives with us and will be in us. (John 14:17)
Because God - our God - is a KABOOM! GOD! With him, "all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26)
So, when life goes KABOOM! - whether in gloriously good moments or in tragically difficult ones - look for your KABOOM! God to work: "Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them." (Hebrews 7:25)

Elisa Morgan is the cohost of the podcast, God Hears Her. She is also the cohost of Discover the Word and contributor to Our Daily Bread. Her latest book is When We Pray Like Jesus. Her other books include The Beauty of Broken, Hello, Beauty Full, and She Did What She Could. Connect with Elisa @elisa_morgan on Twitter, and @elisamorganauthor on Facebook and Instagram.