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Jan 5, 2016
Learning to Like January
One year ago we began the adventure of this blog, "Really." Thanks for journeying with us in 2015 and now into 2016! We are repeating our...

Dec 1, 2015
Is She for Real?
One morning I pulled back the covers, shook the previous night's melatonin from my mind, and padded toward coffee. I headed to my...

Oct 20, 2015
The Hiss
In my most stripped down, honest moments I realize that I rarely really believe God's pronouncement of "good" over me. More quickly I...

Sep 29, 2015
Seeing Our Beauty in the Mirror of Friendship
Hesitantly, I approached the mirror that stretched across our bathroom vanity. It was a season of unexpected learning. At sixty years of...

Aug 11, 2015
Mother Loss
I lost my mother over twenty-six years ago. One of my dearest friends lost her mother a week ago. I was thirty-four. My friend is...

Jun 30, 2015
Glance My Way
"OPEN YOUR HANDS and your heart to receive this day as a precious gift from Me. I begin each day with a sunrise, announcing My radiant...

May 5, 2015
A Mom ... And More
You are a mom. Your hands move to comfort, point to guide, poke to prod, grasp to warn, cup to catch, fold to hold. Your feet climb to...

Apr 7, 2015
Happy Birthday to Me!
I thought about keeping this one quiet. Or at least quiet-er. Is it really a good idea for everyone to know that I’m turning SIXTY? I...

Mar 9, 2015
Help Wanted
by Elisa Morgan I need your help. I need to know what works for you to connect with God. In real time. Every day. Oh, I could fill this...

Jan 12, 2015
We Three and Our Daughters
By Elisa Morgan Steam curled upward from the surface of the egg casserole. Sugar-glazed donuts and cinnamon buns gleamed from their...

Dec 31, 2014
Learning to Like January
Living with joy, even on bleak days. Really. By Elisa Morgan "Sometimes you have to poke holes in the dark before it bleeds light." -...

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