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A Nest of Rest

A Nest of Rest

By Elisa Morgan

I like God. Really, I do.

It's awesome to access the power available to very-human-me through the God of the universe. To be stuck in a stinky attitude and then reach out for divine perspective - and actually receive it - well, it's just WOW. To shoot up a prayer for help in a moment when I'm losing sight of hope and know that God is actually listening. Stunning. And to be able to read the Bible - God's actual WORDS - and gain insight. Who doesn't love that?


So why don't I pray, read, connect with God more?

There's the issue of time. Who has extra time to spend with anyone, much less God? And busyness. Mercy. I'm so busy. Oh, and the hassle. Getting all gussied up and everyone out the door to go to church. Really? And that's just once a week. What about every other day?

Maybe finding time to spend with God isn't as complicated as I make it. The psalmist writes, "How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. Even the sparrow has found a home and the swallow a nest for herself where she may have her young - a place near your altar." Psalm 84:1-3

Hmmm. Maybe I don't have to stop everything to find a quiet spot to be with God. Maybe I can be with God just by building my home, my nest, near his altar every day. Pray when I load the dishwasher. Leave a Bible open on my counter and pause to read a verse as I pass through. Download an e-book devotional on my phone and check it when I go to check Facebook.

If I build my house near God's altar maybe I won't have to move somewhere to be in his presence.

Because I like God. Really, I do. And I'd really like more of him in my day-to-day life.

Wouldn't you?

Elisa Morgan is an author and speaker and the cohost of Discover the Word and contributor to Our Daily Bread. Her latest book is The Prayer Coin. Her other books include The Beauty of Broken, Hello, Beauty Full, and She Did What She Could. Connect with Elisa @elisa_morgan on Twitter, and @elisamorganauthor on Facebook and Instagram.

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